IVF was a success

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IVF was a Success! I remember Jen telling us that our embryos were considered a high-end luxury brand in the embryo world.

Each embryo is graded by a letter and a number, I’m sorry I don’t have more information on this at the moment, but I will in the future. IVF was a Success.

January 19th, 2021, was transfer day!

I arrived at the clinic 10 minutes early with a super full bladder (they informed me to come in with a semi-full bladder, but I have the bladder of a toddler); holding a full bladder for 30 minutes was not fun. I held onto a rose quartz stone and an aventurine stone because they increase fertility when held; they gave me hope. The transfer process went smoothly.

After the transfer, the Doctor completed a transvaginal ultrasound and showed us where a tiny air bubble was placed, indicating the embryo in my uterus. Now started the waiting game to see if our tiny embryo made itself a little home in my uterus.

My first blood work to check my HCG was on January 28th. Jen advised me to get my blood drawn early in the morning to have results by the afternoon of the same day. I arrived at Quest Diagnostics at 7am to get blood work done. After my blood work, I went to work. There was no way I could concentrate on work while waiting to find out if I was pregnant. I became so anxious in the middle of a meeting that I excused myself to get some air.

IVF was a success. Pregnancy test

As I walked down the stairs, I received a call from the Nurse at the infertility clinic who informed me that I WAS PREGNANT! I ran to the bathroom and thanked her so much. She reminded me that I needed to get my blood drawn twice within the next week and a half to check my HCG and that the numbers would continue to rise for confirmation.

I quickly called my best friend and told her the news. I jumped up and down, screaming as low as I could (I’m not even sure how that’s possible, but I did). I cried tears of joy. This was the happiest moment of my life. I told my husband and we were so excited to be expecting. Everything was blissful for the next couple of weeks. IVF can be a great success!

IVF was a success jumping for excitement

IVF was a success! My HCG levels continued to rise, confirming my pregnancy. I graduated from the IVF Clinic at 8 weeks. I was in the process of establishing an OBGYN.

At 9 weeks, I sat up from my kitchen table and felt something warm run down my leg, and when I looked down, I saw a stream of blood running down my leg. I stood there crying in complete shock, not knowing what to do. I walked to the bathroom, and once I sat on the toilet, blood clots fell into the toilet.

I called my husband and informed him of what happened as I cried hysterically, and he suggested that I call the Doctor while he raced home.

I called Jen and told her what was happening; she asked me a couple of questions to try and understand what was going on. She said she would call the Doctor as everyone left the office for the rest of the day so they could meet me at the office.

My husband picked me up, and we drove to the clinic; after completing an ultrasound, the Doctor found a Subchorionic Hematoma in my uterus; it was about an inch in size. The Doctor found the baby’s heartbeat, which was still strong. My heart was torn.

IVF was a success. Pregnancy bump

A subchorionic hematoma is a type of bleeding that occurs between your amniotic sac and your uterus.

About 3% of women have a subchorionic hematoma during pregnancy; they cause about 20% of all bleeding during the first trimester. My Doctor informed me not to be alarmed that most pregnancies with subchorionic hematomas are successful.

What did I do to get this hematoma? No “googling” in the world helped me understand how I got this. There is a lack of data and research on this condition; I joined a Facebook group for women who also have a subchorionic hematoma while pregnant, and I received most of my information from them. I compared my symptoms with theirs, and I continued to look for successful births, but they were hard to find.

Due to my circumstances, I urgently called the OBGYN’s office to have my first appointment. Within a week I had my first appointment, the Doctor informed me that I was having an incomplete miscarriage and would lose the baby at any moment…

About Post Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.
About The Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.

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