Infertility Motivation

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Have you been diagnosed with Infertility, and it has become challenging for you to stay focused or remain motivated? Below are tips on Infertility Motivation!

I understand the heartache of finding out that getting pregnant and remaining pregnant will be more complicated than some people around us.

I’m here to tell you that you can get through this. You are so strong you don’t even know your own strength, and I was a victim of this because it can be hard to believe at times.

Infertility motivation self care isn't selfish board

Attending doctor’s appointments, being given new information, getting multiple ultrasounds, and lab work done can be draining. If we make it a habit to make ourselves a priority, we can get through this.

We want to give out positivity so the universe can send it back to us!

Here are 5 tips on Infertility motivation.

  1. Affirmations and meditation.
Infertility motivation meditation

Once I found out that I had to start IVF. I started doing these pregnancy affirmations and meditations that I found on youtube. I would drive to work listening to the affirmations and fall asleep meditating.

“I will get pregnant,

My body is ready to conceive,

I am strong and fertile,

My uterus is healthy.”

2. Crystals

I would bring my stones with me during all of my IVF appointments, especially on trigger and transfer day. My IVF doctor said that he has never had anyone bring stones to any of his appointments. Well, it got me pregnant, so.. there’s that, haha. I would place them on my pelvis while I meditated.

There are many crystals that assist with Infertility, including balancing hormones, increasing libido, regulating your menstrual cycle, etc. Each stone can help with different aspects of Infertility. The ones I specifically used were: 

  • Green Aventurine: Encourages pregnancy and enhances fertility.
  • Rose Quartz-Increases overall infertility and love.
  • Moonstone: It balances hormones, helps regulate the menstrual cycle, and boosts feminine energy.
  • Smokey Quartz– Improves Infertility
Infertility motivation crystals

3. Fitness or staying active – Once I found out I had to do IVF, I prioritized losing weight and getting my body ready. I lost 15 lbs before starting IVF, and working out increases the serotonin in your brain, generating nothing but happiness!

4. Positive reminders – I placed positive quotes on sticky notes in areas of my home where I spend the most time in. My bathroom mirror, the refrigerator, and the mirror in my bedroom. Every morning, I would look at the sticky notes that had written, “you will get pregnant” right next to “you are a bad bitch” haha!

5. Nutrition – I made it a priority to eat healthy foods. I just found out that sunflower seeds are high in estrogen. Some foods can assist with balancing hormones or improve ovulation.

Infertility community, you’ve made it this far, and you will make it even further!

About Post Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.
About The Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.

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