As many of you know my Husband and I have been given 1% chance of conceiving naturally.
IVF is our only chance at the possibility of having a living baby.
If you are not familiar with IVF, the 2nd round can cost between $5000-$7000 and it isn’t a covered treatment through insurance.
We have been cleared to complete a 2nd IVF transfer in May.
So we were given the idea to do a IVF PUZZLE FUNDRAISER!
Here’s how it works:
🧩1 puzzle piece = $5
🧩You can sponsor as many pieces as you’d like
🧩You or your babies name will be written on the back if the puzzle piece
🧩Once completed we will hang the puzzle in the babies nursery to and show Baby Umpierre how they made it possible for us.
🧩purchases can be made via venmo, cashapp @Rainbowmanifestation I also have PayPal
We appreciate you all for your support 💜