Rewiring the Brain

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Rewiring the Brain. Have you ever found yourself constantly thinking negatively? Grief can make you believe the worst of the worst. You try so hard to distract yourself by actively working on an activity to not let you overthink, but your mind drifts right back to that negative thought.

Well, I do! Like way too much, and I was tired of it!

So after weeks of being in therapy, I learned some amazing methods that have been helping me little by little. So we have to work on rewiring the brain. A technique I recently have learned to help keep negative thoughts out is:

Notice, Shift, Rewire

I use this method multiple times a day, sometimes even up to 60 times a day, depending on my mindset throughout the day.

So how exactly do we use this method? There are just 2 simple steps, and the whole process takes 15-20 seconds!

Here you become aware of the thoughts that are disrespectfully entering your brain. Some negative thoughts that enter my brain can be, “Is it my fault?” “What could I have done differently?” “what would life be like if my child were here?” These thoughts haunt our minds way too often, so this next stop is helpful to SHUT THEM DOWN!

Redirect your attention to the present moment. You can do this by telling yourself something you are grateful for or describing an object aloud. For example, grab a pen, what does the pen feel like to you, and what exactly do you see? What color is it? Is there lettering engraved on it?

Continue the shifting process for about 20-30 seconds, and this begins the process of transforming how your brain processes your thoughts.

We want to Rewire the Brain to become more positive, to live in the moment because we deserve it! We deserve to be free from the thoughts that grief will haunt us.

About Post Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.
About The Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.

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One thought on “Rewiring the Brain

  1. Thanks for sharing. I find that practising gratitude is helping me to shift my negative thoughts to something I’m actually grateful for and start to notice present more.

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