Subchorionic hematoma during pregnancy

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I was diagnosed with a Subchorionic Hematoma.

I had my very first appointment to establish an OBGYN at 13 weeks. 30 minutes before leaving my home, another vaginal bleeding event occurred. Extremely distraught, I had no other choice but to double pad myself and head to my appointment.

After an ultrasound and check-up, she informed me that I was 1 cm dilated, my hematoma was taking up most of my uterus, and I was having an incomplete miscarriage.

I was referred to Maternal-Fetal Medicine and made a follow-up appointment with her in 2 weeks “if you don’t have a miscarriage.” In the meantime, I was put on bed rest. Can you imagine being put on bed rest at just 13 weeks pregnant?

It was Cinco De Mayo when I had my first appointment with MFM. I was given a comprehensive check-up; the baby was doing great; we saw every part of her body. There was a moment when the ultrasound technician was shaking my belly aggressively to have the baby move around to better see her other arm. I had to tell her to stop because I found it unnecessary and uncomfortable given my circumstances.

The least of my worries was if the baby had an arm or not. I just wanted her to be safe.

The Doctor had no other concerns besides the subchorionic hematoma; we wanted that shit gone! The only information I was given was that it might shrink or the body may never absorb it. She also informed me that my cervix was not dilated (excellent, some good news).

Subchorionic Hematoma support group ultraounds

During my second month of pregnancy, I started a new job which caused me to join a new insurance plan leading me to lose my first OBGYN and establish a new one. I made an appointment with a new medical group.

During my first appointment, my OBGYN informed me that subchorionic hematomas happen to pregnant women all the time, and they continue to give birth to a healthy baby. In all his years of practice, he has seen many women with the same issue. He wasn’t concerned at all. He suggested that I go bike riding and walk to ensure I don’t acquire gestational diabetes. OH WTF! One Doctor puts me on bed rest, and one tells me to go on bike rides?????

When I returned home that day. I joined the unhealthy journey of googling my diagnosis and tried to get as much information as possible.

The lack of research and resources for this medical condition is despairing. I joined a Facebook group for pregnant women who had subchorionic hematomas. I posted my symptoms and journey and requested advice on which Doctor I should listen to regarding being on bed rest or going on a bike ride. Again, I received mixed comments.

I spoke to so many powerful women going through the same thing. I saw myself comparing my symptoms with others and kept trying to find women who made it full term to give birth, but there were many mixed stories. It was hard to remain hopeful.

“The best protection any woman can have is courage.”Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Women on 20’s

I required so much assistance from my husband, I was thankful that my mother stayed with us for a few weeks. They both helped cook, clean, and bathe me (I couldn’t shower alone as I would nearly faint each time). I’m the type of woman that hates asking others for anything, I’m super independent and prideful when it comes to help, so I felt extremely vulnerable.

One Saturday before my next appointment, I spoke with my husband to see if it was a good idea for me to visit the pool (we live in Florida, and it’s freaking hawt!). We both thought it would be a good idea, and it would give me a bit of relief since I was having pain in my lower stomach due to the clotting. I was very cautious, terrified. I didn’t want to hurt the baby in any way. By the way, we were getting our home remodeled this weekend, Dios mio.

The following day, I met with a friend of mine who took some photos of my husband and me to use for my pregnancy reveal at 20 weeks. I was so excited to do something that involved enjoying my pregnancy and not laying in bed worrying myself to death.

It was time for another check-up. My husband attended every Doctor’s appointment until May 17th. I told him not to worry about missing this appointment as I was becoming optimistic, everything would be fine. If only that were the case…

Subchorionic Hematoma support group
Subchorionic Hematoma support group

Happy International Women’s Day

About Post Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.
About The Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.

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6 thoughts on “Subchorionic hematoma during pregnancy

  1. Thanks for sharing your story! I don’t know much about infertility, so this was a great preview about what should be more widely known.

    1. Thank you! I really hope to be able make this topic a lot less taboo and comfortable to speak about with others. Thank you for reading.

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