What caused my missed miscarriage

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Update on my journey and how I found out what caused my missed miscarriage.

I last left you all on my journey finding out that I have been diagnosed with the blood disorder Antiphospholipid syndrome and I had a fibroid removed from my lovely uterus.

Last week I was emailing my IVF coordinator and informed her that I tied up all the ends with all of my medical appointments and that I was ready to schedule my next IVF round.

I was so excited. I told myself finally! We are moving forward!

She informed me that I had to have an ultrasound completed before starting the next steps.

What caused my missed miscarriage a women receiving an ultrasound

I visited my IVF doctor, and the second he started the ultrasound He immediately said it looks like there is a fibroid distorting the uterus. He recommended a hysteroscopy (a camera to look into my uterus) to see if the fibroid was distorting my uterus in an implantation area.

The following day I received a hysteroscopy. I was able to see the distortion of the fibroid in my uterus. I was informed that I would need surgery to remove the fibroid.

I just had fibroid surgery 2 months ago. This fibroid was seen by my OBGYN but, He reported it wasn’t located in an area that would affect my next pregnancy so he decided to leave it.

So now I’m scheduled to have a 2nd surgery to remove this same fibroid.

During the ultrasound, I asked my IVF doctor if he saw these fibroids before completing my IVF process in Jan of 2021. He informed me that I had a fibroid but, it wasn’t distorting my uterus.

A few weeks before this ultrasound I met with an integrative medicine doctor who reported in her 35 years in this field she has seen many miscarriages occur due to fibroids and was convinced that is why I had a miscarriage the first time.

Can you believe that a fibroid so small can cause you to lose your child?

Not only did I have one fibroids I had multiple uterine fibroids.

What caused my missed miscarriage . Women holding her head in frustration

The extreme lack of medical knowledge on my end frustrates me. On one side I know as much as a Doctor tells me. On the other end, I should have done tons of research every time I was told there was something wrong with me.

Is it my fault that I continue to trust these doctors?

I continue to get stuck in this cycle of the unknown.

I spent a lot of time thinking my miscarriage was from a blood disorder but what caused my missed miscarriage was a fibroid.

All I know is that my next step in this journey is to remove this last fibroid and wait a few months to heal to move forward with a frozen embryo transfer. But, as I have seen many times before something continues to show up last minute causing a delay in my future transfer.

Frustrated is an understatement. I’m fucking pissed. Annoyed and disappointed in the medical system for not vouching for me and making it easier for me knowing my history.

About Post Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.
About The Author


A grieving mother, sharing her story regarding infertility, pregnancy, miscarriage and all in between.

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